Contact information


As a senior unit in the import-export industry, we have accumulated a lot of experience in service construction, with that experience helping us to shorten the time of the application as well as the process, so the cost is always reasonable. best guaranteed

  • Company Name: LUXURY EXPRESS (LXRY VN)
  • Address:
    • HCM: 37/2B Street C18, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
    • Cần Thơ: 140/05 Nhật Tảo, Lê Bình Ward, Cái Răng district, Cần Thơ City.
    • Vĩnh Long: 71 Trần Đại Nghĩa, Ward 4, Vĩnh Long City
    • Hậu Giang: 181 TL 928 street, Ấp Mỹ Quới, TT Cây Dương, Phụng Hiệp, Hậu Giang
    • And more than other 20 branches
  • Phone: 0938.31.14.17
  • Email: